Archive | August, 2019

SP-500 Probability Model (SPM) V1.0

Introduction NOTE : Subsequent to this research note, we also launched an SP-500 Probability Model that measured probability of market tops (peaks). The MARKET-TOP probability model uses the inverse logic of the MARKET-BOTTOM probability model discussed in this research note. In other words, we look at low volatility instead of high volatility from the VIX […]

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Yield Curve inversion suggests mild recession

There has been acute interest in the inversions currently taking place on the term-spreads around the world: And this comes as no surprise, since more than half of the world’s sovereign yield curves have now inverted… Right now, 70% of the U.S yield-curve cluster comprising the 10/5/3/2/1 year bond yields are inverted as shown below. […]

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