Archive | February, 2020

Massive rebound in US housing market

All 8 components of our comprehensive US Housing Market Index have posted solid and sustained gains in the last 6 months: Our detailed PDF report for Dec 2019 has been published to the REPORTS menu. According to many market watchers, there is no better barometer on the health of the U.S. economy than housing. It’s […]

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Recession Probability Enhancements

The RecessionALERT USMLEI (US Monthly Leading Economic Index) is a 21-factor monthly leading index for the US economy. It is described in detail in this research note. Up until now, we had deployed a standard Probit statistical model to track implied recession probabilities of the USMLEI. Whilst the Probit models still provide a reasonable lead-time […]

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We found some worrying signs in labor data

These days, its really hard to find worrying signs in US labor data. If one looks at the once famous Janet Yellen Labor Dashboard, apart from Job Openings, everything looks to be progressing fine, bar a small pullback here and there: Sure, the employment-to-population ratio (participation) has not come close to peak achieved in the […]

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