This is a complete short, medium and long-term stock market liquidity risk-management tool derived from the McClellan Oscillator methodology applied to daily advancing and declining volume on the SP-500. It has been depicted as a daily updated chart for standard subscriptions for over 7 years now. Each day, we compute daily advancing volume (sum of […]
Dramatic change in yield curve
The RecessionALERT yield-curve aggregate and diffusion has just made a dramatic reversal, with the percentage of 10 term-spreads that are inverted dropping from 70% to 40%: The 10YR less the 2YR narrowly averted an inversion 8 weeks ago and the 10YR-5YR and 10YR-3YR never came close to inversion. If one looks at the latest history […]
Are trade war concerns valid?
It appears U.S investors’ concerns with global trade wars are dominating U.S stock market direction for the last two years: This is with valid reason, as prior research of ours (Global Economy affects U.S stock market returns) has pointed out that whilst a global recession does not necessarily result in a U.S recession, it can […]
New Probability Models
Following on from extensive client feedback since the launch of the SP-500 trough probabilities and SP-500 Trendex trend-following model, we have decided to target the models at the six largest investable U.S Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) categories by assets under management (AUM) as depicted below, for a total of 50.1% coverage of the total U.S […]