Archive | December, 2014

Valuation estimate of SP500 2015 returns : 2,246 target

The RecessionALERT Valuation Index (RAVI) is a multifactor valuation model that examines cyclically adjusted trailing SP-500 earnings (various multi-decade horizons), the SP-500 total-return index level, total stock market capitalization, Gross Domestic Product, non-financial corporate equities and liabilities, non-financial corporate business net-worth and percentage of investors’ allocation to stocks versus cash and bonds to determine 10, 5, […]

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RecessionALERT Valuation Index (RAVI)

PART-1 There are currently 4 mainstream models used to forecast 10-year total returns on the SP-500 (dividends re-invested) The Shiller CAPE ratio (PE10) The Warren Buffet Indicator Tobin’s Q-Ratio Average Investor allocation to stocks The non-linear quarterly correlations between these four models (x-axes) and achieved 10-year future total returns (y-axes) on the SP-500 since 1970 are […]

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